Wednesday, December 22, 2021

How I Hate To See Christmas Come Around

A little Xmas blues for the holiday season, by Jimmy Witherspoon.

Friday, May 28, 2021

J.D. Chandler Takes You to Slabtown

My good friend, John (aka J.D.) Chandler passed yesterday morning.

Here are two videos I made with John, touring the sites of some of Portland's most notorious murders, burials, and hauntings:

Read more of my memories of John on my other blog...

Saturday, May 15, 2021


... but don't give yourself away...

A little Cheap Trick cover (written by Rick Nielsen). We're all alright.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Max Vax Vlog

Talkin' about getting my second shot of the Moderna COVID Vaccine, adverse reactions, plans for future, and reminiscing about 14 months of pandemic (and pandemic weight).

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Day After Day

 My take on Badfinger's Day After Day, written by Pete Ham.

The original Badfinger recording was begun under the production of George Harrison (who also played slide on the track). George got busy with the concert, album, and film of the benefit for Bangladesh, and Todd Rundgren was called in to finish recording and producing the album (Straight Up), including putting together the final mix of this classic.

This video made with the Acapella app for iPhone.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Square One

Last year at this time I was starting a journey of learning and posting a song each day during shelter-in-place, thinking it would be six to eight weeks, tops. About 75 or 80 days later it was clear that would not be case, and I ended the daily postings. Now the end of the pandemic feels more in sight, but still many months away. We have vaccines and falling numbers, but in so many ways, it feels like we're back at square one.

Square One by Tom Petty, from the Highway Companion album. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

Damn This Town

If 2020 were a city we lived in... My New Year's eve feelings about 2020 expressed in John Hiatt's Damn This Town.

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