Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why Vlog? Why Blog?

Although this blog is fairly new, I've been using blogger.com for nearly eight years and I've been making vlogs, or video blogs, for about 2-1/2 years. So, over 1,200 blog posts and 300 videos later, why do I still do it? This explains it a bit...

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1 comment:

  1. I did my first online journal back in April of 2003. I did my first online video about a day or two after you did in 2006. I don't blog that much anymore because of the video medium. And now it seems like the video medium is taking a bit of the back burner thanks to all the social networking. One of my first videos (and highest viewed), was about global warming. I still get hateful comments on that one a few times a week! I wonder where this will all take us next? Oh wait, that's right...wine country! :)


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